Registered Dietitian Jessica Roocroft of Jess Nourishes in Upper Lonsdale North Vancouver British Columbia Canada

Jess Nourishes: Registered Dietitian for Busy People

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You are what you eat. Meaning the food and liquids you put into your body becomes your cells and that creates who you are. Though nowadays, even if you eat healthy and are mindful of the food you consume, you aren’t necessarily getting the whole picture. Given the quality of living soil has decreased for agricultural production along with the rise in use of chemicals and additives throughout the food chain, even with fruits and vegetables. This can lead to sensitivities and allergies in people that may have not even had them before. It’s a unique time in history in terms of how food is produced and shipped to us for consumption. Getting a top down idea of what works best for you will be a combination of a few approaches, and this is where working with a professional dietitian may be a good option for you.

In this light we are stoked to chat with our friend Jessica Roocroft of Jess Nourishes who is a Registered Dietitian based here in Upper Lonsdale North Vancouver. She creates a plan of attack for your food and supplementation needs that works for your budget, goals and schedule. It’s not always easy to make meals from scratch or eat perfectly every day, but with her guidance you can add changes to your life over time that really make an impact to the quality of your life and longevity. Having put herself through post secondary education, you know she loves what she is doing and is here to help. Get to know her more in this magazine feature below and consider chatting with her at the bottom of the article if you have health and nutrition questions. She was recently featured in Thryve and also listed on the BC Dietitians database website.

How did you get started with your business and what do you like about operating in North Vancouver?
It was a natural fit, becoming a Registered Dietitian, as I had a major love of food, nutrition, and connecting with people. I was born and raised in North Vancouver, and with a home-based office, I love being able to escape into the trees to walk my dog at any time I feel the need for forest bathing.
Registered Dietitian Jessica Roocroft of Jess Nourishes in Upper Lonsdale North Vancouver British Columbia Canada 27438
What are the products, services and brands that you offer to customers?
Currently I’m working on launching an online program to help those grappling with digestive issues. Many people don’t realize that Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) strikes 1 in 5 people, and that their tummy woes are 1- not normal, and 2- totally treatable! In the meantime, I work with organizations to help review and improve their menus, conduct culinary workshops, and partner with social media influencers to provide value to their followers.
If our readers want to purchase products or services from you what is the best way for them to do so?
So while I’m developing this wicked program full of recipes, tips and tricks, people can get great info on sorting out how to beat that bloated feeling in the meantime by following me on Instagram below. Just as a side note: for those with extended health benefits, my program cost may very well be covered by their insurance provider, as are most Registered Dietitians’ services in British Columbia Canada.
Before operating your local business what were you doing for work or a career?
I was in the restaurant industry working as a server at Earls on Marine Drive while I put myself through 2 science degrees at the University of British Columbia (UBC).
Registered Dietitian Jessica Roocroft of Jess Nourishes in Upper Lonsdale North Vancouver British Columbia Canada 32198
Outside of operating your business what do you get up to for activities in your personal time?
My husband, toddler, 2 dogs and I love to roam in the trees of the North Shore Mountains! I’ve also been an active player for the North Shore Girls Soccer Club since I was wee lass. Even though I develop recipes for a living, you’ll find me in the kitchen during my spare time as well. I told ya- I’m all about the FOOD!
Lastly, is there anything else you might want our readers to know about you or your business?
Living with gut issues that cause you regular discomfort is not normal. I would love to help you find happiness with your eating and drinking situation. And even if you just want to look good and feel amazing, I can help you with that too. Looking forward to hearing from you and seeing how we can align your goals through food.
Logo Registered Dietitian Jessica Roocroft of Jess Nourishes in Upper Lonsdale North Vancouver British Columbia Canada

For more info, to ask questions and get a quote you can visit her website

Connect with her on Instagram and Facebook apps

Customer service is

Registered Dietitian Jessica Roocroft of Jess Nourishes in Upper Lonsdale North Vancouver British Columbia Canada 43298

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