Seniors Elderly Resources Activities Groups Organizations North Vancouver British Columbia Canada

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You know, Lonsdale Avenue is not only the Best High Street in Canada, it is also very accessible and welcoming to the elderly senior citizens who call it home. North Vancouver is truly one of the greatest cities not only in Canada but around the world for the excellent amenities that are available for our parents and grandparents.

After all our Mayor has personally said she hopes to make North Vancouver one of the most healthy and accessible cities in the world. Which we can see, feel, and touch every day we walk the streets of Lonsdale Avenue and surrounding areas throughout North Vancouver BC.

In this article we are going to outline all of the community resources available for our seniors in a list format to make it easy for you to share with your loved ones. Connecting with elders in our community is a great way to share wisdom and history and it truly benefits everyone as a result. Taking a page from the Squamish First Nations historical perspective to seniors.

Community Resources and Activities for Elderly Senior Citizens

Capilano Community Services provides administrative support for several non-profit agencies, including the Red Cross medical equipment loan service, and Lionsview Seniors Planning Society. It also offers a variety of programs through Seniors Hub such as shopping, walking, telefriends, visits, and small group outings. 

The North Shore ElderCollege (for people 55+)  offers  a rich variety of learning opportunities (history, book clubs, contemporary issues, film clubs, field trips and more) delivered by engaging speakers and facilitators. 

HandyDART is a door-to-door, shared ride service for passengers with physical or cognitive disabilities who are unable to use conventional public transit without assistance. The driver will come to your home, help you on the vehicle, and get you to the door of your destination safely. HandyDART’s service provider (MVT Canadian Bus Inc.) provides a central customer service team that is available 18 hours a day and operates over 300 buses in the metro region.

Keep Well is an exercise and wellness program for mobile seniors. The program includes one hour of exercise followed by blood pressure checks and health coaching, massage, speakers and social times. Keep Well is open and inclusive and the program is free for participants. Programs take place weekly and year round (except August) at seven community organizations from Deep Cove to Horseshoe Bay.

The Lynn Valley Seniors Association operates in partnership with the municipality, community groups, and the Recreation Commission to offer services in the Lynn Valley area. Programs are based at Kiwanis Lynn Manor, Karen Magnussen Rec Centre, and the historic Mollie Nye House. Activities include drop-in lunch, arts and crafts, bus trips, a walking group, movie afternoons, and discussion groups.

The Lynn Valley Services Society provides drop-in programs and registered programs for seniors. Rapidly becoming the hub for Lynn Valley, current program offerings are located at the Mollie Nye House. Programs are often developed with co-operation or partnership with other community organizations and include line dancing, arts and crafts, bridge and table games, music groups, technology training, Mad Science camps, tai chi, puppy training, Pilates and  a young writers club.

The North Shore Community Resources Society provides information on services, resources, and activities available to seniors on the North Shore and throughout the region. The Seniors’ One-Stop Information Line provides general information on health, transportation, education, housing, and finances, as well as referrals and follow-up for North Shore seniors. They also publish The Green Book directory to North Shore agencies, the North Shore Guide to Helping Services for Seniors & Caregivers, and the Oak Tree Project Adult Abuse Prevention & Response Directory.

The North Vancouver Recreation and Culture Commission offers a variety of recreation and leisure programs specifically developed for seniors. Fitness, social activities, arts and crafts, visual arts, games and education, and health and wellness activities are offered at the various recreation centres across the municipality. 

Parkgate Community Services Society offers an extensive range of programming for seniors in the Blueridge, Seymour, and Deep Cove area. The society operates two community centres at Seycove and Parkgate, with many of the activities taking place in the seniors’ lounge at Parkgate.

Silver Harbour Centre provides a gathering place, recreational activities, and social services for local seniors in North Vancouver. The centre offers a wide variety of activities including physical fitness, martial arts, indoor sports, games, visual arts, performing arts, languages, computers, cultural groups, special events, outings and informative seminars. It also provides a number of important services such as legal advice, low-cost meals and refreshments, information and referral, affordable clothing and household goods, transportation, and volunteer opportunities.

Taken from the City of North Vancouver website: our seniors are vital to the community. They are volunteers, mentors, advisors, teachers, caregivers and so much more. According to the 2016 Census citizens aged 65 years and up comprised more than 16% of the City’s population. Canada-wide the share of seniors will grow to 34% by 2031. The City recognizes that to truly be a liveable, socially sustainable community, we must provide and enable opportunities for all members of the community, including seniors, to lead full, healthy and active lives. We are committed to creating a safe community for our seniors and are striving to ensure that every senior citizen has access to a diverse range of social, recreational and leisure activities. Many City-supported programs are offered at facilities such as community centres and the North Vancouver City Library.

Please review the Seniors in the City report for more information.

In 2015 the Province of BC recognized the City of North Vancouver as an age-friendly community. This recognition was bestowed upon the City to acknowledge its numerous policies and practices that support the well-being of older individuals in the community.

These policies and practices include:

  • Age-friendly policies in the City’s new Official Community Plan
  • Adaptable Design requirements for new residential developments
  • Support for the Seniors Today research project and implementation plan
  • On-going support to non-profit agencies that are addressing seniors’ needs

If you are a senior living in Canada please consider moving to North Vancouver, we would love to have you here and the city will be better off with you as a resident and member of the community. Checkout these resources.

One Comment

  1. aukea walters

    Are there KEEP WELL exercise classes for seniors in Lynn Valley? I am a member of the fitness class at Molly Nye every Tuesday and Friday, but still need more.
    Suggestions are welcome!


    Aukea Walters

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