Social Media Tips Advice Strategy for Local Business in North Vancouver British Columbia Canada

5 Social Media Tips For Local Business

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If you are looking for a content marketing agency in North Vancouver that can help you with market penetration in social media you have come to the right article. We believe the best approach to social media is taking the time to log into each app independently on their native solution(s) to interact with your communities directly. Treating each social media app like it’s a unique entity. Limiting the use of services that connect through API’s can also be of value for establishing authenticity and trust within your local community.

Direct Messaging – if someone or a local business follows you on your Instagram profile, direct message them to say hello and ask a few questions, if they do not respond or take a long time to respond you an infer they are not engaged and thus not necessarily ideal for you to reciprocate a follow back, focus your time on growing a community of people you can talk too

Commenting on Posts – before replying always take the time to check out the profile of anyone who comments on your status updates, to ask them about something specific from within their industry in the comments section of your content, which lends itself to creating useful semantic language placement which helps with creating authority in the SERPs

Tag Related Businesses and Places – when you make a status update on any social media app such as Facebook, tag related businesses or local media sources in your content from time to time, to engage them in commenting locally on your content and widen the general reach of your posts, as well use hashtags or geotags for where you are posting from or where you want to target, as an example #NorthVancouver

Profile Bios and Descriptions – take the time to highlight what it is that you offer, either a service, business or product within your profile bio to make it easy for people to make sense of what to think about you, it’s equally as important to have a seamless profile icon across all of your social media accounts for branding clarity, lastly have the geographic area where your business is located, such as: ‘North Vancouver British Columbia Canada’.

When to Post Updates – try to think of social media as an extension of customer service and communicating with friends and contacts, in that way not needing to post all the time but rather only when you have something of value to say or of interest to share, daily posting is fine if you have engagement, but if your engagement lacks slow down a bit on volume and focus more on quality, always respond to your comments and direct messages daily

Try adding these 5 simple social media tips to your daily internet marketing workflow to see how the results can improve quickly for you.

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