Supporting local business is what it’s all about for us. Even the most boutique companies have the ability to uplift the community when priced right and having a central accessibility to everyone.
We first learned about KangaTraining by seeing posters in the Lonsdale corridor on light posts and other fixtures. Traditional guerrilla marketing like that is nice to see and hyper targeted to locals. Get to know Ponnie Matin Pelchat from KangaTraining in Lower Lonsdale North Vancouver by reading the interview we did with her below.

How did Kanga Training get started and what do you like about operating in North Vancouver?
KangaTraining started in 2008 when fitness professional and dancer Nicole Pascher (founder KangaTraining) wanted a quality workout while having her baby with her. As an experienced personal trainer specializing in pre and postnatal exercise, she tried a variety of workouts and found one thing for certain, her daughter did not want to sit in the stroller and watch, she wanted to be carried and close to her mommy. Kanga Training quickly grew big in Austria and made its way to 25 countries.
With the birth of my daughter I set out to do the very same thing not realizing that Kangatraining existed. I became a Certified Babywearing Educator and Consultant so I could include the many benefits of babywearing into a safe postnatal workout. During my research on other postpartum fitness programs I discovered KangaTraining and it only made sense to bring it to North America.
I have lived In North Vancouver the majority of my life so naturally this is the ideal place to launch the first Kanga Training North America classes. Many North Vancouver moms are friends of mine, so giving them the option for a safe workout postpartum is definitely rewarding. North Vancouver has so much to offer from its mountains to the water that I feel it makes it the ideal location for our Instructor Training Programs.
What are the products and services you offer so our readers can take advantage?
Our signature class KangaTrainig is a safe postpartum workout with special attention given to the core and pelvic floor. All our classes are developed in consultation with doctors, midwives, osteopaths and physiotherapists. Almost all our classes are designed with a babywearing component so babies stay happy and caregivers can workout. our trainers are all trained to help caregivers with their carriers. In spring and summer we will be rolling out additional classes such as Kanga Powerhouse, a class for all women addressing the pelvic floor (because it’s really not normal to pee your pants) KangaKids, classes for caregivers and their children, as well as a class for just kids. In addition we also offer PreKanga, PapaKanga, KangaTrail, Kanga on Wheel, and KangaBurn. Besides the fitness classes we also advocate for postpartum health by offering seminars and workshops on topics such as babywearing, beating postpartum depression and pelvic floor health.
We see your marketing around Lonsdale, what kind of marketing are you working on for 2020?
Word of mouth is definitely our number one marketing tool. As our clients get real results they share and bring friends. We just got onto Instagram and Facebook so we will definitely be utilizing those channels and we hope to make it to a Lonsdale Avenue magazine marketing workshop soon. Last week I did the daunting task of writing a press release. 2020 is all about letting moms know they have a choice in feeling confident so we will do our best to get the word out in any way possible.
In your spare time outside of running the business what do you do for activities?
I’m a first time mom and the joy of my everyday is to witness the world through my daughters eyes. We try to get out to a park, play group, or the library everyday. I can’t say I really have much spare time however I am fortunate my mini me loves Kanga as much as I do and even more fortunate that Kanga allows me to bring my daughter with me. The whole business revolves around our babies and they seem to love it just as much as we do.
Is there anything else you might want our readers to know about you or your business?
Yes! Parenting can be hard and if you need someone to talk to, our Kanga community is here for you. You don’t have to do any of it alone. Reach out to us via social media, pop into a class, call or send a pigeon, however you want. We will welcome you, hold your baby so you can go pee alone, laugh with you and cry with you. If you are interested in becoming a KangaTrainer, we will be holding our first North American training in April and would love to hear from you.
For more info visit their website and connect with them using social media apps such as Instagram and Facebook or email customer service at You can also read the PDF document.