Gyms in North Vancouver British Columbia Canada

Gyms in North Vancouver

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Finding the right fitness centre to workout at in North Vancouver is not always easy, given the wide varieties of them available in the City and District. Being clear with what your fitness and health goals are can help immensely with finding the right space for exercising. If you are into bodybuilding or physique sports you will want access to all of the machines, free weights, squat racks and dead lift stations. If you are working out just to be healthy you don’t necessarily need all of that equipment. If you want to improve your sports performance for mountain biking or running you will want to find a spot that suits that.

In this article we are going to highlight all of the best rated gyms in North Vancouver for you to decide which one works best for you. We suggest asking for a one time drop in to workout to see if the gym and vibe resonate with you so you can give them a review. Nowadays as well you should not have to sign a membership contract, that is the old school way of doing things. Having a membership month to month and being able to cancel any time are the way things are handled now within the industry. Always consult with a doctor or your health professional before beginning any fitness or exercise program, as well speaking with a nutritionist can also be helpful as what you eat plays a huge role in your results.

Quick Tips for Optimal Fitness Results

-Hydrate with pure water up to 5 litres per day depending on your size, weight and the way that you train in your workouts

-Eat a balanced diet consisting of a variety of fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds and follow the advice of the Canada Food Guide

Warm up and stretch moderately before exercising to pump blood into the muscles and ensure your joints are ready for a workload

-Consider taking supplements if you are vegan or vegetarian and just generally, to ensure you get optimal vitamin b12 and iron mineral uptake

-Seek the advice of a personal trainer or someone who has experience with weight lifting before beginning training so you can do so safely

Fitness Centres and Gyms in North Vancouver

Club16 Trevor Linden Fitness – 1100 Lonsdale Avenue North Vancouver

Functional Athletics – 235 St. Georges Avenue North Vancouver

Griffins Boxing & Fitness – 326 Esplanade East North Vancouver

Level 10 Fitness – #140 – 890 Harbourside Drive North Vancouver

F45 Training Lonsdale – 1617 Lonsdale Avenue North Vancouver

9Round Boxing Fitness – 125 West 1st Street North Vancouver

Oxygen Yoga & Fitness – 1524 Lonsdale Avenue North Vancouver

Genesis Athletic Club – 949 West 3rd Street North Vancouver

Steve Nash Fitness World – #200 – 118 East 13th Street North Vancouver

Fit4Less Workouts – #68 – 935 Marine Drive North Vancouver

Lagree West Fitness – 117 1st Street East North Vancouver

Salted Cycle – 113 2nd Street West North Vancouver

OrangeTheory Fitness – #107 – 1171 Marine Drive North Vancouver

Team Fitness Training Inc. – 949 West 3rd Street North Vancouver

Barre Belle – #110 – 221 West Esplanade North Vancouver

Planet Fitness – 1025 Marine Drive North Vancouver

Elevate Training – 130 Pemberton Avenue North Vancouver

Ride Underground – 117 West 1st Street North Vancouver

Crossfit Lions West – 1212 Welch Street North Vancouver

Soul Fitness Health Club – #114 – 275 Fell Avenue North Vancouver

it’s time! Fitness Results – 788 Copping Street North Vancouver

B.A.S.E Fitness – 1350 Pemberton Avenue North Vancouver

SWEAT Vancity Studio – #130 – 400 Brooksbank Avenue North Vancouver

Ride Cycle Club – 131 West 1st Street North Vancouver

CrossFit Lions East – 1493 Crown Street North Vancouver

Universal MMA – 1326 Main Street North Vancouver

UFC Training Gym – 1989 Marine Drive North Vancouver

Anytime Fitness 24-Hour – #103 – 2180 Dollarton Hwy North Vancouver

The Sweat Lab NVR – 1061 Marine Drive North Vancouver

Innovative Fitness – 1805 Welch Street North Vancouver

Method Indoor Cycling – #240 – 125 Victory Ship Way North Vancouver

Curves Ladies Fitness – 1199 Lynn Valley Road North Vancouver

MVMT Academy – 1711 Welch Street North Vancouver

OPEX North Shore – 105 Bowser Avenue North Vancouver

North Shore Winter Club – 1325 Keith Road East North Vancouver

Delbrook Community Centre – 851 West Queens Road North Vancouver

Harry Jerome Community Centre – 123 East 23rd Street North Vancouver

John Braithwaite Community Centre – 145 West 1st Street North Vancouver

Karen Magnussen Community Centre – 2300 Kirkstone Road North Vancouver

Parkgate Community Centre – 3625 Banff Court North Vancouver

Ron Andrews Community Centre – 931 Lytton Street North Vancouver

What is your favourite gym in North Vancouver to do fitness exercising and workouts at? Let us know in the comments section below so our readers can hear your feedback and find the right space for them.


  1. Austin

    After the cover 19 lock down and the economy reopens, some of the main box gyms and fitness centres are going to only allow 1 hour workouts per client and you will have to book in advance. This sounds ridiculous to me as there is no real way of managing this unless they are tracking us, which is a bit weird to be honest. Any of the gyms that will allow people to workout as normal and however long they want will see the best results in terms of new customers signing up. I think gyms should just have a waiver to sign for all customers and let them workout how they want too. Keeping your hands clean and not putting them in your mouth and staying back 2 metres from people is easy to do and any competent adult will be able to do this. After 2 months of not working out it is definitely affecting many peoples mental health. I hope the big brand gyms like Club 16 or Steve Nash read this.

    1. Editor

      Valid points indeed, adults should be able to do things as they please if they sign a waiver of understanding the risks. It is getting a bit silly with the over control parenting coming from the Government and Health organizations. Not putting your hands in your mouth and keeping clean seems like common sense to us. Thanks for the comment.

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