Nika Care Natural Body Skin Products North Vancouver British Columbia Canada

Nika Care Natural Body and Skin Products

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As we approach the holiday shopping season and Christmas we want to increase our coverage of local business owners doing amazing things in our community. As shopping local helps everyone on the North Shore and we try to highlight businesses that provide products and services that are natural or with minimal environmental foot print. We all have body and skin needs, especially as we age, and even us dudes should be moisturizing our faces and skin. Ladies have been doing this all along, but it’s time for men to get serious about their hygiene, skin cleanliness and softness. Seriously guys, get on it.

In this article we get to chat with Deana Sarmast who is the founder of Nika Care natural body and skin products. She also happens to be a practising dentist so she knows a thing or two about health and wellness. On top of this, their new website is being developed so you will be able to order products online delivered to your home or office. For the time being you will have to contact her at the bottom of the article for questions or sales. We strongly urge you to consider spending money with local small businesses for this holiday season. These products are great for many reasons.

How did you get started with Nika Care and what do you like about operating in North Vancouver?
At my 9-5 work I’m surrounded by chemicals and wanted to create natural body care products for my family and to be used at work. After doing research online I couldn’t find the ideal products I wanted, so decided to start this new business. It’s important to me being a born and raised North Vancouver local that our community have access to natural alternatives.
What are the natural body and skin products that you offer to customers?
We make natural body-care products including: hand sanitizer, hand cream, face-masks made with raw honey, foaming moisturizing hand soap, foaming face-wash, foaming body-wash and bathroom spray. We also want to hear from you about products you may be interested in as we continue to develop our portfolio and refine things to reflect the needs of local consumers.
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If our readers want to purchase products from you what is the best way for them to do so?
You can order directly from us using the contact information at the end of this article. Alternatively you can purchase all our products at Mo’s General Store in Lower Lonsdale, Nourish Market in Lynn Valley carries our moisturizing hand wash and hand sanitizer and the Restoration Clinic in Lynn Valley carries our hand sanitizers.
Outside of operating your local business what do you get up to for activities in your personal time?
I enjoy being outdoors with our daughter Nika and our dog Belle, going for walks and hikes, as well I love photography and painting. There’s always so much to do and see on the North Shore and I was fortunate to spend most of my life here. The activities we do are weather dependent usually as well.
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Lastly, is there anything else you might want our readers to know about you or Nika Care?
This business was named after my daughter Nika which means Good. Nika Care means Good Care and that’s what we ultimately want our customers to experience. We are very grateful and want to thank our customers for every single product that has been purchased. We look forward to chatting with you as well when you have time to reach out.

For more info follow them on Instagram and Facebook or email

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  1. Patricia Beck

    Looking to buy your hand sanitizer. A friend or family member left a bottle in my home early on in the pandemic and I loved it. I’m a teacher and need to wash or sanitize my hands between working with students. So I use it many time a day. It is the only sanitizer that doesn’t irritate my eczema. Can I order it online?

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