Electric Vehicle Charging Stations Lonsdale Avenue North Vancouver

Electric Vehicle Charging Stations

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There is no doubt that electric vehicles are becoming more popular as time passes and the cost of entry into purchasing one decreases, as well as the accessibility to public charging stations expands.

Of course the argument for electric vehicles (EV) is that they are more environmentally friendly, however people debate online all the time whether the long term impact of creating lithium ion batteries and electric vehicle components is actually more “green” then using traditional fossil fuel powered vehicles.

We will leave the hard research and digging into this concept for you if you are interested in checking this out. Our goal here with this article is to show you all of the places close to Lonsdale Avenue where you can charge your electric vehicle, whether that is a car, truck, motorcycle, van, or similar.

When you live or work around Lonsdale Ave and you own an electric vehicle its good to know where to go to get free charging and also places you can pay to get a charge top up with fast charge stations.

North Vancouver City Hall – nearby Central Lonsdale and easily accessible, you can take advantage of the available charging stations here

Centennial Theatre – this is in Upper Lonsdale just south of Highway 1, they have slower charging stations here but tons of room for many cars

BC Hydro Station – located in Lower Lonsdale near The Shipyards this charging station is free for the time being and sponsored by BC Hydro

There are some companies in Vancouver who build electric vehicles which is of course nice to see and if you want to support local, you may want to check out their vehicles and see if you are interested in buying any of them.

Another thing to keep in mind is that British Columbia has the best electric vehicle charging station volume and accessibly in all of the provinces of Canada. So that is definitely something to be proud of.

For those of you who own a Tesla, enjoy all of the new game downloads. And if you want to read in detail about the EV strategy for the City of North Vancouver you can download this PDF.

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