Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic Facts Science Data Government Resources North Vancouver British Columbia Canada

Coronavirus: COVID-19

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*Use this realtime map to watch the global pandemic datasets.

*Download the new smartphone app from the Government of BC.

*If you can supply emergency equipment visit this website.

*Learn about the new Canada Emergency Response Benefit.

*Learn about the $500 rental assistance and $1000 one time payment.

*Read the Small Business BC guide to financial assistance.

*Checkout the PDF and the official intake form for getting tested.

To be clear, we did not want to write this article. Not that we are against public service announcements, but we are against click-bait style content that freaks people out in order to get website visits. We have seen many times across the country of Canada news media websites using half truths in article titles and leaving the reader hanging with anxiety, providing unfinished thoughts within the content. The only content publishing that should be taking place around the Coronavirus COVID-19 should be facts, science and resource links. And for those of you who are hoarding products or panic shopping, stop it, you are hurting other people around you. We are all in this together so think about your community.

Social Media Hashtags#FlattenTheCurve #PlankTheCurve #Covidiots

Quick Facts About the Global Pandemic

-The virus has a half life of 4 hours in the air, and 72 hours on hard surfaces

-Sanitizers and antiviral cleaning products need 45 seconds to kill the virus

-You must do social distancing of at least 2 metres between you and others

-BC seniors can call ‘211’ to get matched up with a local person who can help

-You should only be reading Government websites during this time (as below)

-Do not share tubes of toothpaste or drink from the same cups, etc

-When touching surfaces like door knobs, use hand sanitizer sprays after

-The current ratio of deaths from virus contraction is less than 3% globally

-Many municipalities are doing drive-in testing to reduce the spread

-Stay home and away from people if you feel sick or fatigued (for 14 days)

-If you can wear medical face masks while out in public you should be

-Elderly senior citizens are the most at risk, be patient and kind with them

-The Government of Canada is altering mortgage and rental obligations

-Canadians living in British Columbia will be getting $1000 each soon

-People living in BC can apply to receive $500 a month in rental help

-As of April 1st you cannot be evicted from your home due to non payment

Frequently Asked Questions Many People Have

-What is the coronavirus and where did covid-19 come from?

-What happens if I cannot pay my rent or mortgage during the pandemic?

-With the closure of schools and daycares, what can working parents do?

-What happens if I work in the restaurant industry and get laid off?

-How long will the coronavirus issues be facing all Canadians globally?

-Who do I contact if I run out of food, water access or a place to stay?

-How can I work with my neighbours to support and look out for eachother?

-If I operate a business and need funding to continue, who do I contact?

-If I am currently out of the country and need to get home, what can I do?

-How can you contract the virus in terms of ways it can enter your body?

-Is the Government of Canada working on a vaccine for COVID-19?

-What does 2019-nCov mean and is it a scientific name for the virus?

Key Resource Websites to Find Answers

Government of Canada

Government of British Columbia

BC Centre for Disease Control

Vancouver Coastal Health

British Columbia Health Link

Provincial Court of British Columbia

Insurance Corporation of British Columbia

World Health Organization

Government of Canada Travel

Doctors of British Columbia

Pharmacists of British Columbia

City of North Vancouver

District of North Vancouver

North Van Chamber of Commerce (business owners read this)

Small Business British Columbia (business owners read this)

Business Development Bank of Canada (business owners read this)

Government informational toll-free phone lines are open at 1-888-268-4319 (1-888-COVID19) between 7:30 a.m. and 8 p.m. seven days per week.

Coronavirus: Covid-19 Infographic

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