Cono Pazzo Pizza in a Cone Lonsdale Avenue North Vancouver

Cono Pazzo “Pizza in a Cone”

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There is a new pizza spot on Lonsdale Avenue called Cono Pazzo aka “Pizza in a Cone” and this is a great addition to the Central Lonsdale culinary scene. Pizza is definitely a staple comfort food for many and adding a unique twist to the cooking and creation of the pizza is an interesting market angle. Everyone has tried pizza, but have you tried pizza in a cone? Likely not.

We are super excited to give this place a try and interview the management and owners which we will be doing soon as well as adding HD photos of the kitchen to this article. When you think about it, pizza in a cone sounds silly, but for those of you who know food and taste, changing the way something is eaten can also change the flavour profile. As perhaps there is more cheese or more spices in this pizza cone, which would hit the palate differently then a regular pizza that is circular and flat. Pretty cool to consider.

Cono Pazzo logo

Nowadays there is no shortage of pizza places to choose from when Dominos and Little Caesars have large pizzas for $6.99 and on demand preheated pizzas already ready in there instant availability point of sale systems. However, that allows plenty of room for artisanal pizza makers to use better quality locally sourced ingredients so their pizzas taste better. And people who like quality don’t mind spending a little more for a better experience.

The next time you are out and about around the Lonsdale Avenue corridor of North Vancouver check this place out and let us know what you thought in the comments section below of this article. We would love to hear about what you ordered and how you enjoyed it. The pizza cones start at $7.99.

For more information you can visit their website or connect with them on social media using Instagram and Facebook. As well as visit the pizza eatery located at 1917 Lonsdale Avenue in North Vancouver.

Cono Pazzo Lonsdale Avenue
Cono Pazzo North Vancouver

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