BC Wine Ninjas Facebook Group

BC Wine Ninjas Reach North Vancouver

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Update May 19th 2020: we got to interview the Facebook group founder, checkout the interview we did with Deborah below.

Update May 15th 2020: the group has now surpassed 23,723 people!

Everyone has seen things “go viral” on Facebook and other social media platforms. Usually something kind and nice happens or a heartfelt story, and then boom a huge rush of shares and engagement takes place.

And this is definitely the case with the new and very fast growing BC Wine Ninjas! Facebook Group. Where ladies can join the group, and they leave each other gifts of wine and treats anonymously. Recently this movement has hit North Vancouver and it is growing very fast here with the ladies on the North Shore. Many local business owners have been invited to the group.

You can check out this group by visiting Facebook, however you can only be invited by people who are already members. The group is a tightly knit community of ladies helping to uplift one another. Which is really cool and inspiring especially during this difficult time. If you’re a dude you can’t join, but you can still be excited for the ladies who are in the group. Happy wife, happy life as they say!

Since taking a screenshot of the group below earlier this morning they have gained another 4,000 members, only in one day. That’s incredible. We hope to see things keep growing and ladies from across British Columbia helping one another with ninja gifts and surprises!

Have you been able to join the group and do you know anyone who has received a gift drop off? Let us know in the comments section below!

Interview with Facebook Group Founder

How did you come up with the idea for BC Wine Ninjas?

It was started in Alberta first by a small group of women, I liked the idea so much that I wanted to bring it to BC. I live in Alberta but was born and raised in BC, my whole family is there. Several of my BC girlfriends have already been ninja’d, which makes my heart so happy to see it.

How have you been enjoying running the group and watching it grow?

It’s been fun! So much work too, but I have an amazing team of ladies that help me out, this Facebook group wouldn’t work without them. It’s in part because of them we have been growing as quickly as we have.

Are you planning on suggesting for group members to use wines from BC for gifting?

I hadn’t up to this point, but that’s a fantastic idea and we will be rolling that out very soon.

Are all of the moderators friends from before the group was created?

One is a friend since my childhood days in BC, the other for the last 15 years or so and the rest are strangers just helping me out, but we are all becoming close friends through moderating the group together.

What are your favourite types of wine personally to enjoy?

I love the Shirazes and Merlot but really enjoy a nice Moscato as well.

Lastly, is there anything else you might want BC residents to know about you or the group?

I’d love to let them know that this is a group of women who are amazing, kind, caring and thoughtful. We welcome all BC ladies to join and enjoy the gift of giving and brightening someone’s day. There is no better feeling then that. We would love to welcome you and can’t wait to see and read your Ninja stories!

Group Members as of May 12th 2020

Group Members as of May 15th 2020

BC Wine Ninjas Facebook Group Canada 34656

Gifts from the BC Wine Ninjas! Facebook Group

BC Wine Ninjas Facebook Group 47676
BC Wine Ninjas Facebook Group 7564546
BC Wine Ninjas Facebook Group 64373467
BC Wine Ninjas Facebook Group 87856747


      1. Penny

        I joined last weekend. We have ninja’d 6 beautiful ladies in Penticton. I was fortunate to be ninja’d as well.
        What amazes me is the timing of some of the ninjas has been spot on. So many are facing additional stresses over and above Covid-19. ❀️

        1. Editor

          Thanks for your time in letting us know… definitely things can be stressful and generally speaking moms and ladies hold families together in so many ways… we wish there was a way that we could give wine to everyone in the group πŸ™‚

        2. Sharon

          I have Ninja’d 3 people and i have also been Ninja’d πŸ™‚ tvis is a fantastic group of ladies and it is so much fun playing an adult version of ding dong ditch…. Lol. Its nice to know you are bringing a little happiness to someone. My daughter loves going on a Ninja run πŸ™‚

  1. Editor

    If any of the BC Wine Ninjas! Facebook Group moderators would be interested in getting interviewed we would love to speak with you to update this article with more content… send us an email to contact(at)lonsdaleave.ca thanks for your consideration πŸ’–

  2. Courtney

    I was ninja’d last night and just dropped off a ninja swag bag to another lady. Such a great feeling. This whole concept is amazing. Paying it forward was even more rewarding then receiving.

  3. Valerie

    I was ninja’d twice in less than an hour on Wednesday and I went out and ninja’d two ladies in North Van yesterday. Receiving my ninja gifts gave me so much joy but getting to ninja others is just the best β™₯️

  4. Ev

    My daughter and I just did 4 deliveries…it’s been fun having something to plan together….btw, I’m buying BC wines for gifting… Hope the recipients enjoy them as much as I do!

  5. Pat Dalgleish

    i found it very difficult to join as I could not find something called “albums” anywhere. People gave me some suggestions but it was never where they suggested looking. Their pages looked different than mine when they sent me a screen shot. So I happened to see a friend’s post and posted my address below hers. I did get Ninja’d but now don’t know how to find an address to gift someone else. Anyone who is older (not as computer literate) is finding the lack of specific instructions somewhat challenging. Is this supposed to be BC wines and products? Not sure given the name of the FB group. Great idea.

    1. Editor

      Thanks for your comment… it is an invite only group so the moderators will have to invite you or another member of the group… we are covering it in our magazine as it’s very popular and we want the ladies of BC to know about it

    2. Deborah

      Please shoot me a PM on the page and I can teach how to navigate! If you like, I can even post for you anonymously to takeout the hassle and stress! πŸ™‚

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