We are very excited to be offering a local job listing service where businesses and organizations in and around North Vancouver can post their job and career openings for local work placements. We know the corridor has hundreds of hospitality and service based opportunities for the right employees and we want to make the process for hiring smooth.
There are many mainstream job related websites where you can post openings, but this section of Lonsdale Avenue Magazine will be dedicated to making the process as targeted and fun as possible. Taking control of the hiring process here within the community.
All of the jobs posted on our website will make a unique boutique style experience where you know the jobs listings are truly from sincere business and organization owners, as everything is reviewed and hand curated to ensure an optimal experience for everyone.
As we move forward with rolling out this jobs database we want to invite you to offer us feedback and suggestions so we can refine the layout and user interface to make it as easy and functional as possible.
For the first few weeks listing on the database will be free as we gain market usage, but in the future we will charge a small fee to post jobs, this will allow us to dedicate staff to managing things and answering questions in real time.
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